Creative Directors: What I have observed.

Spencer Loveless
2 min readJun 22, 2021

Five “I’s” and the five “D’s”.

Often times we refer to keeping work-life separate from personal life, but the reality is work is personal. Our interactions and the way we present our selves is inseparable from our character. And it is our character that ultimately has the biggest and most lasting impact on those we work with.

Note: Good character isn’t to say we can’t make mistakes but rather it’s how we correct those mistakes that makes the lasting impression.

Almost a decade into my career, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of creative and marketing leaders. Each has brought a their own flavor of mentorship. I have kept note on what I want to adopt and avoid as I work towards a position of grater influence.

Creative Directors:

1. Inform

2. Inspire

3. Iterate

4. Interact

5. Invest

Creative Directors Do Not:

1. Dictate

2. Discredit

3. Disrupt

4. Discourage

5. Demean

We could dive deeper into each term, but I am sure we can all think of examples of when we experienced an “I” and a “D” interaction. The idea here is to share my observations and cause us to think about what kind of leader/character you strive to be. I am truly grateful for my relations and life lessons from those who have been senior to me in the workplace.



Spencer Loveless

Designer: Branding • UI • Motion